So a few years back we happened upon an axe throwing tournament on TV. Lee said she wanted to do that. I had it planned last year, but due to COVID everything was canceled. So this year I gifted her with an axe throwing surprise. The videos they the story. She was a natural.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
A Destroykins Life
Hello Boykin world. I'm putting this post together to warn about the hazards in a Boykins life. Main topic chew toys.
I'll post photos and a video as I can, if not successful including in the blog, I'll post a link to an album.
November 2015 found us adopting a Boykin/Springer mix, Flynn, from Operation Little Brown Dog after losing our first Boykin, Simon, to cancer in July 2015. Simon was the best dog ever, never destroyed anything in the roughly ten years he was with us. Enter Flynn. OMG this boy can destroy anything in minutes. Needless to say he was a handful for us.
Cannot say how much we had spent trying to find the one thing he would not destroy. Nyla-bones and antlers were no match for his jaws of steel. So why we ever thought an Extreme Kong toy would work is now beyond me. As they say hind sight is twenty/twenty. This is like January 2016.
In a matter of a few minutes he had torn the Kong apart. We scrambled to get it away from him and gather up all the pieces. Feeling good that we got every little piece we were at peace of mind. Not! About a year later, maybe short of a year by a month, Flynn started vomiting. Same time every day, 7 o'clock in the morning. Best alarm clock ever is the sound a dog puking. Visit to the vet didn't reveal any problem. Doc resigned it to a "sensitive tummy." Special food was prescribed, you know that expensive stuff. This went on for about a month and then one morning while we were out doing our morning do, Flynn vomited, same green foamy bile looking stuff. On closer inspection he vomited up a chunk of black stuff, the top of the damn Kong toy. There are photos of an Extreme Kong Bone, he destroyed that in like less than ten minutes.
After the incident of the destroyed Kong, I went on a search to find the best durable chew toy out there. I happened upon a company, They claimed their rings were indestructible and they backed that claim with a lifetime guarantee. Not cheap, but after what we've spent another few bucks was of no big concern, if they actually held true to claim.
Bought one, then another and another. Basically we wanted to be sure that wherever Flynn was in the house, a goughnut ring would be there. The yellow ring in the photos was about two years old. You can see the gnarl marks. I think one video shows him gnarling, more impressive is the sound of the gnarling. The boy is serious about chewing. By the way, Goughnuts stood behind their guarantee and recently replaced the yellow ring. Flynn also has a black and orange one. The black one is for extreme chewers, however we've found the original ring works just fine.
I'm writing this to save you some dollars. We are by no means affiliated with the Gougnuts company. Wanted to share what we found to be the chew toy answer. The other company we found is, they have what they call the "indestructibone." There are photos of these in the album. Another quality chew toy that has lasted our guy for a long long time. We haven't replaced any of his indestrucibones yet.
There are few other toy photos that I've not addressed, just gives credence to what our boy can do to a toy.
Side note the piece of green toy was in his tummy for a few months, obviously our house sitter didn't see him chew up one of Penny's outside toys. That little piece of green set us back about 2k.
Hope this little ditty raises awareness of just how destructible our precious little brown dogs can be.
I'll post photos and a video as I can, if not successful including in the blog, I'll post a link to an album.
November 2015 found us adopting a Boykin/Springer mix, Flynn, from Operation Little Brown Dog after losing our first Boykin, Simon, to cancer in July 2015. Simon was the best dog ever, never destroyed anything in the roughly ten years he was with us. Enter Flynn. OMG this boy can destroy anything in minutes. Needless to say he was a handful for us.
Cannot say how much we had spent trying to find the one thing he would not destroy. Nyla-bones and antlers were no match for his jaws of steel. So why we ever thought an Extreme Kong toy would work is now beyond me. As they say hind sight is twenty/twenty. This is like January 2016.
In a matter of a few minutes he had torn the Kong apart. We scrambled to get it away from him and gather up all the pieces. Feeling good that we got every little piece we were at peace of mind. Not! About a year later, maybe short of a year by a month, Flynn started vomiting. Same time every day, 7 o'clock in the morning. Best alarm clock ever is the sound a dog puking. Visit to the vet didn't reveal any problem. Doc resigned it to a "sensitive tummy." Special food was prescribed, you know that expensive stuff. This went on for about a month and then one morning while we were out doing our morning do, Flynn vomited, same green foamy bile looking stuff. On closer inspection he vomited up a chunk of black stuff, the top of the damn Kong toy. There are photos of an Extreme Kong Bone, he destroyed that in like less than ten minutes.
After the incident of the destroyed Kong, I went on a search to find the best durable chew toy out there. I happened upon a company, They claimed their rings were indestructible and they backed that claim with a lifetime guarantee. Not cheap, but after what we've spent another few bucks was of no big concern, if they actually held true to claim.
Bought one, then another and another. Basically we wanted to be sure that wherever Flynn was in the house, a goughnut ring would be there. The yellow ring in the photos was about two years old. You can see the gnarl marks. I think one video shows him gnarling, more impressive is the sound of the gnarling. The boy is serious about chewing. By the way, Goughnuts stood behind their guarantee and recently replaced the yellow ring. Flynn also has a black and orange one. The black one is for extreme chewers, however we've found the original ring works just fine.
I'm writing this to save you some dollars. We are by no means affiliated with the Gougnuts company. Wanted to share what we found to be the chew toy answer. The other company we found is, they have what they call the "indestructibone." There are photos of these in the album. Another quality chew toy that has lasted our guy for a long long time. We haven't replaced any of his indestrucibones yet.
There are few other toy photos that I've not addressed, just gives credence to what our boy can do to a toy.
Side note the piece of green toy was in his tummy for a few months, obviously our house sitter didn't see him chew up one of Penny's outside toys. That little piece of green set us back about 2k.
Hope this little ditty raises awareness of just how destructible our precious little brown dogs can be.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Our Little Brown Dogs
Living Life with Little Brown Dogs
by Stan Jaros
Our first introduction to the Boykin breed was at our local Animal Control Department. Long story of how we ended up with this guy. Shorter version: he was in a dark cage with another dog that dwarfed him, all I could see were “golden” eyes. Couldn’t even tell the color of his coat due to the darkness of the facility. Inquired what kind of dog he was and we were told “a Boykin.” Neither my wife nor I had ever heard of the breed, but we offered to walk him for a bit. Thats all it took. Within fifteen minutes we fell in love with this boy.
We named him Simon. Simon remained with us for about ten years, when sadly we lost him to cancer in July of 2015. We were heartbroken as Simon had been the best dog ever. And everyone that had met him loved him as much.
Our lives now filled with sadness, our eyes poured tears, not sure where all that water came from. We missed our boy so much.
My decision was to not get another dog for a while, my wife Lee had other plans. After about a month or so she began looking. We looked at many different breeds, but could settle on none.
Then one day Lee came across the Boykin Spaniel Rescue. We looked at the website found a few dogs that would might fit us. Did all the applications, passed our home visit and now we were ready. Just didn’t find the right pup. Seems the ones we were interested in were no longer available. Someone suggested Operation Little Brown Dog. Didn’t take long until she fell in love with Charlie, now Flynn.
Did paperwork and got approved. Flynn was still available. The fosters were very accommodating to send photos and videos and even began calling him Flynn. So in November 2015 it was off to South Carolina. Driving from Little Rock, Arkansas arrangements were made for overnight stays, both going and coming. Felt it would be quite a long ride for Flynn.
Flynn was not a full Boykin, he was a mix. Thought first maybe Boykin and Aussie, but since have settled on Boykin and Springer Spaniel.
Flynn was with us for just a short few months when Lee was introduced to another Boykin. A female that had been a breeder bitch for like nine years and rescued by Operation Little Brown Dog. Lee fell in love with her photo and offered to adopt her when she was ready to leave her fosters. We were approved to adopt, so February 2016 found us on another road trip. We named her Penny. Now the fun began. Flynn who had the run of the house for a few short months claimed ownership of our home. As laid back as he is it wasn’t long before he and Penny were at odds. Him asserting his claim to all things, her fighting for her rights to ownership. Ugh! It was simply amazing how things transpired. Flynn and Penny seemingly getting along and then out of the blue it was an eruption of two little brown bodies. Well Flynn wasn’t little, he outweighed her by twenty pounds. That did not stop this little thirty pound brown fur ball. She fought back with a vengeance. The final round ended with us having to push a chair between the two.
At this point, honestly we had thoughts of “what did we get ourselves into.” Had considered giving the girl up. We just weren’t sure we could continue to deal with the fighting and were very concerned about one getting injured. We gave it some time.
Flashback: Flynn was already living up to the “destroykin” tag. The boy is such a chewer. He can destroy the toughest toy in minutes. Destroyed a few chair cushions, a dog (expensive) bed and numerous other items. We crated him at night until one night he flat refused to go into his crate. We weren’t believers in crating as Simon never spent time in a crate. Simon was so good, he slept in our den at night and never destroyed a thing. So we decided to leave Flynn out and give him the same free reign we had given Simon. Each night he managed to destroy something on Lee’s side table. Bless he heart, he ate her list of user names and passwords:) The straw that broke the preverbal camels back was when he chewed up her favorite ball pen. That night Lee decided the boy was going to sleep in our room.
Fast Forward: Penny was accustomed to a crate so we continued with her being crated at night. Each night after their last potty break she would come in, run down the hall and into her crate. She knew it was treat time. We would tell her good night, shut off the lights and all was well. In the morning she was the sweetest girl. Coming out of her crate, greeted her big brother and the day began. All was going so well. Then one night, maybe out of jealousy of watching her brother follow us into the bedroom, she refused to go into her crate. So it was on that night she too joined us and Flynn in the bedroom.
Sleeping arrangements became a bit crowded so we were forced by the love of these two little brown dogs to upgrade to a king sized bed!
This breed, the Boykin Spaniel, will steal your heart. And we wouldn’t want it any other way.
These two, Penny and Flynn, have created a bond. Not only to one another, but to Lee and I as well. It is fun to watch them in the yard, they run and frolic and chase balls. Each have their own toys and respects the others possessions. Let one stop and sniff a spot on the ground or fence and the other is quickly right there sniffing and investigating. Where there is one there is the other. Its just amazing of how well they have become best buds.
I’m not really sure how much more difficult it is to own a Boykin over any other breed. They all have their quirks and habits. The key is how you, the owner, deal with them. We’ve never hit them, I’ve threatened and surely have provided a light crack across the nose, but no hitting. For our two, a stern no sir or no ma’am quickly gets their attention. And a yell will have them head bowed for doing something that displeased us. They know these things, they just test your limits at times.
Our home is complete, two little brown dogs and three cats. All these critters came into this home at different times under different circumstances and for the most part all is calm, peaceful and friendly. Flynn and the youngest cat Gracie, probably now seven or eight, have a love hate relationship. One minute they’ll be nose to nose or sleeping butt to butt, the next she’s antagonizing him and they race through the house.
It all boils down to a lot of patience, love, care and understanding that they each have their own back story they cannot share. And most importantly PLAY TIME!!!!!!!
Living with “Little Brown Dogs” is definitely a challenge at times; let them be them and they will shower you with loyalty and love for all their days. Nothing is more wonderful then being greeted by a Boykin when you walk through the door.
Our mantra: A Tired Boykin is a Happy Boykin!!!!!!
Credits given to: Operation Little Brown Dog; The Damoude's; and the McNair's
Friday, November 20, 2015
Introducing Flynn
Hi, I am Flynn. I am a mix of Boykin Spaniel and Australian Shepard. To say I am a high energy dog is an understatement!
I was found as a stray in South Carolina, I really don't remember the circumstances behind my being a stray. I don't think I was on the street long before I was picked up by the animal control folks. I ended up staying with the Anderson County PAWS people for a while and they called me Charlie.
Then my life changed. An organization called Operation Little Brown Dog came and got me, I think they saw something special in me. I went to my foster home in Prosperity, South Carolina. The folks that cared for me really treated me well and I got along with all their other dogs and children.
At some point, you know dogs have a very short attention/memory span, my pictures appeared on the internet. My fosters were trying to find a good home for me. Time went by, thought I would never find a home.
Then one day, my fosters started calling me Flynn, wasn't sure what that was all about, but hey they fed me and loved on me and kept me safe. So a name change wasn't a big deal.
One day, I think it was November 7, 2015, we went for a ride to Lexington, South Carolina to visit my fosters mom. They took me for a walk and when we got back to the house a strange car was there, along with two people I had never seen before. The man got on one knee and called me by the name of Flynn. Then the lady started petting me, she called me Flynn too. I wondered, I've never seen these people how do they know my name?
They and my fosters chatted for a while and then the guy put a new collar and leash on me, hmmm, embroidered on it was Flynn and a phone number I did not recognize. Strange, but hey I got a new collar. Then they led me to this strange car and opened the door. At first I wouldn't get in, my fosters said it was okay so I got in. Everybody said goodbye and we drove off. I remember after a while we stopped at a house in Aiken, South Carolina, the people there seemed nice and they had two Boykins. We didn't stay long. The strange guy and lady, Lee and Stan, put me back in the car, harnessed me up and we drove off.
I never wore one of these before, but I felt safe. I had plenty of slack so I could sit or lay down. It was a long ride and I remember it raining. We stopped a few times so I could go to the bathroom. I know it must have been tiring for Stan. At one point I heard him cuss and say something like hold on. I sat up and saw this big fire truck with one of those long ladder things skidding across the highway right in front of us. Stan got our car stopped, looked like he was pretty close to that big truck. Sounded like he was pretty excited as was Lee. All I can say is Stan did a great job dodging that truck and stopping safely.
We headed off again. Wasn't far down the road when we stopped, Stan said something about his heart pounding, I think it had something to do with that big fire truck.
We stopped for the night and in the morning we headed out to my new home in Little Rock. Another long ride. When we finally arrived Stan told Lee they had driven 1500 miles and spent 24 hours driving in four days. Not sure what all that meant, but it sounded serious.
My new home. The surroundings were not familiar to me, all the new smells and sights. We went into the house and I was introduced to the four cats, yup, four of them! I don't think they liked me much.
It was a bit strange being in such a quiet home, I mean like it's just Lee and Stan and cats. No children or other dogs to play with, I guess I'll have to adjust.
We all have some learning curves to get through; new voices and new commands. I hear them mention Simon every now and then, not sure who he was, but it sure sounds like they loved him and miss him. Every now and then they call me Simon, then they say, I mean Flynn. I think that's pretty special.
In just a few days I will have been with my new family for two weeks. I think things have gone well. They took me to meet my new doctor, he seems nice. I also had a visit with my groomer, she trimmed my paws and clipped my nails and was very gentle with me, Then one night just before bed Stan took me out to potty, we came and Stan told Lee I had worms. What??? I have worms?? What kinda worms, am I going to be okay??? Next morning Stan brought me back to see the Vet, I got a shot and some meds and I'm really doing fine.
The cats are still pretty standoffish, guess they don't realize I just want to play. We've been going on walks and playing with a giggle ball in the back yard. I'm really enjoying my new home, Lee and Stan are really good with me. They are patient with me even though I've had a few accidents.

This is Stan my new dad, he looks happy.
This is Lee my new mom, she let me get on her bed.
11/24/15 Boy am I lucky, mom and dad got me some new toys. They got me a new kind of ball, it's called a Ruffwear Huckama. It really is neat, it is not round and when I drop it it goes everywhere and I can chew it without tearing it up. They also bought me a rubber ring that is very tough, dad said he got it at It's very very tough and he told mom it was guaranteed. If I chew through the black and find a red or yellow color that means it's not safe to chew anymore and they send it back for a replacement.
11/28/15 Hello once again. Just wanted to pop in to provide a quick update on what's been going on. Today marks the three week anniversary of meeting my new mom and dad. Wow, has it been that long!
I think things are going pretty doggone good. Well, for me any way. Didn't have a really great day yesterday, not sure what happened to me. It was the usual morning routine. Dad got up, let me out of my night time crate and we did our morning do. Everything was going fine until I decided to chew on my nice orthopedic memory foam bed.
Then dad got really excited when the guy in the brown truck dropped a package off. I watched intently as dad opened it. Oh my gosh, it contained two new big extreme Kong Goodie bones. Dad told mom that these should do the trick. He stuffed the ends with some healthy treats and gave one to me. About an hour later mom picked up my bone and showed it to dad. I guess I wasn't supposed to chew through the rubber. Sheesh, a dog would think that someone out there would make a dog toy that I couldn't chew through. Oh and don't get me wrong, dad wasn't mad at me, he said something about emailing the Kong company, guess that's who made this inferior toy.
My mom and dad are really dedicated. It rained all day yesterday and is still raining today. Mom bundled up yesterday and took me for a walk. This morning dad got all bundled up and took me for my walk. I felt bad for him cuz his knee is still hurting him. He said something about gutting it out, ya know he was Marine and a Soldier for a long time, so he is pretty tough.
All in all life is great at my furever home. I miss all my playmates and my foster parents in South Carolina, but I guess I couldn't stay there forever. I really am happy here, just wish the cats would play with me;) I'll post again soon and as soon as dad takes more photos I'll get them added to my album on Flickr.
12/6/15 Guess what day today is? It's the day I came to my home in Arkansas one month ago. Pretty amazing. I think things are going pretty well. Dad really yelled at me today, he was carrying scissors or something and I jumped up on him. He really scolded me. Oh it wasn't bad, he didn't hit more or anything, he just yelled. He told me I can't do that cuz I could get hurt or I could cause someone else to get hurt. I felt really bad.
So far life is pretty good. I go out for a walk everyday, even in the rain. And most days mom or dad take me out back and I chase after the Giggle Ball.
I've been to see the Vet a few times, mom and dad are just making sure I am okay. I have an ear infection and I get ear drops everyday. My skin was itching pretty bad so they got some special pills that I get once a day, it's helping a lot.
I got a new house to sleep in and stay in when mom and dad have to go out. I really think they like me. I'm lucky because they are home most of the time. Mom signed us up for what she called "obedience" classes that start next month. I thought I was well behaved, I really think I am, guess I have a few issues that need to be addressed. I know they don't like me to jump up, but I'm a dog and I'm supposed to do that, aren't I! I admit I have issues with sit/stay/wait, they just don't understand that I only want to be with them. Today while they were outside putting up Christmas decorations I managed to jump over the gate in the living room. They weren't mad at all, but they did check me over to make sure I didn't hurt myself. Then I gave mom a hard time when she was going outside, I wanted to go, she wanted me to stay. Obedience school here we come!
I am very happy and they keep telling me this is my forever home and I never have to leave. I really like that.
Dad may have added a few more photos to the Flickr album, he and mom try to snap photos a lot. Well it's just about supper time so I better wrap this up for now. Thanks for reading my blog and keeping up with me. Will post again soon.
January 3, 2016
Well I have to say the holidays were pretty special for me. Oh we didn't have any big parties or anything like that, mom and dad said the holidays would be quiet this year. We didn't have a Christmas tree cuz the cats would think it was a play ground. So we decorated the outside, dad put up lights and mom made this really cool snowman out of pumpkins from Halloween.
I made a neat little card for mom, with dad's help of course, and mom really liked it. I got a few new toys for outside. I really love my ring toss toy. Mom and dad take me out a couple of times every day and let me run amok with it. They throw it, but I don't give it back. I put my nose through the center and run like the wind. One time it blocked my vision and I ran through a bush, that was fun!!!
I have made friends with Maggie the older black cat and Sawyer tolerates me. Gracie is not friendly at all, every time I walk up to her to try and play she swats at me. Phoebe is okay, she just doesn't like me pushing her with my nose or pawing at her. She actually tried to bite once, good thing I've got some Aussie in me, I'm pretty quick and she missed.
I always go in dad's computer room when he is there. He has a little refrigerator with magnets of places mom and dad have been. They must have traveled a lot before they got me. I heard mom talking with a friend the other day, she was telling someone to have a good time on their cruise and that she was sorry she had to cancel. She said she just didn't feel it fair to me to get me and then leave me with a babysitter. I think my new parents are pretty cool. They treat me really good and I really like it here. They let me roam the house and I haven't really done anything bad yet. Well kinda, dad left a sandwich on the counter yesterday and left the kitchen for a minute. I jumped up and took the top slice of bread, I wasn't quick enough though, dad caught me and made me spit it out. I'd say counter surfing is the only bad habit they don't like.
Mom and I are starting obedience school next week. I'm not sure what thats all about, but I've never been to school before so it should be fun, I think.
So for me 2015 was good. I had a great foster home for several months and then I got adopted, yay for me. I really like my new home. In a way its cool being the only dog child, I gets lots of loving and cuddling. It would be nice to have a playmate, but then I'd have to share the attention I get, so I'm cool with it.
I think dad updated/added some photos to the above link, he is always taking pictures and videos. I'll close for now and will do another blog entry in a couple of weeks. Until then I wish everyone a happy happy New Year and hope all my fostered and sheltered friends get as lucky as me and get adopted.
February 2016: Finally poppa let me have some keyboard time. It's almost four months since I joined my new furever family. Things were going super great. I've been going to obedience training and I'm doing great, I graduate next week. The final day of class will also have a round robin competition. The teachers will test us on all the stuff we learned. The one that does the best will receive a ribbon. I've worked really hard and mom promised to work with me this week so we can beat the competition. I really think I am doing the best out of all the dogs. There are twelve others so my work is cut out for me. I've already been enrolled in the next level of training which is the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) class. Mom says I need this if I really want to be a therapy dog. I'm really excited cuz the classes are fun and it makes mom and dad happy and proud when I mind well.
So I said earlier things "were" going super great. A few weeks ago we all got in the car and drove all the way to Birmingham, I was a little worried because I remember making this drive when they first came and got me. Mom and dad promised they weren't giving me back, they said something about going to get a sister. A sister, you mean I'm not going to be the only dog child anymore? Oh man!
So yup, we came home with an older sister. I guess she didn't have the best life and someone gave her away and she really needed a new loving home. Hey I can surely say this is a great home to be chosen for. It's only been a little over two weeks since Penny has joined the family. I guess she's okay. We've had a few fights that mom and dad had to get in the middle of, but nothing really bad. Hey isn't that what sisters and brothers do!
My life hasn't changed much. Sister uses my crate at night and I still sleep on the sofa. Sister is really really a good dog, not as good as me, but good. She's had a few accidents in the house only because she never lived in a house and doesn't realize we have to do our business outside. She's gotten a lot better and we enjoy running around outside together.
So all is good and I am enjoying the high life. Lots of love and cuddles and tea parties. Aah, I guess I should explain tea parties. Usually about three times a day mom and dad give us a tea party. We get a couple of dog cookies. Never know what we'll get, flavors could be Granola, Peanut Butter & Molasses, Natural Cheese, Grilled Chicken or Bacon & Cheese, needless to say we love them all. When we hear "it's tea party time" we get all excited, sit, wait and share politely. Bet there aren't a lot of moms and dads that give their dog family tea parties, we are lucky, lucky, lucky!
I think I've covered all the latest news so I'll get this published so everyone can read how well I am doing.
March 28, 2016
Figured I should bring everyone up to date with whats going on. I'm enrolled in my new Canine Good Citizen class and have attended my first session. My classes are on Tuesday evening for an hour. When I was introduced to all my classmates I couldn't help but wonder, really all you guys passed beginner obedience class! Some of them are rude and very misbehaved, unlike me of course that just happens to be an angel.
Mom makes me do homework a few times a week to help me hone my skills. I think it's gonna be fun and I really am going to try hard to win some first place medals.
My new sister, Penny, is doing well. I had to teach her what to do with an antler, she still hasn't figured out the ball or the fetch things yet. She enjoys running outside and chasing the birds out of the big bush we have out back. Hey if that makes her happy so be it.
It amazes me how patient mom and dad are. Mom is more patient than dad;) Dad raises his voice, but never hits us. I know deep down he loves us cuz he takes such good care of us. Poor Penny has had a few diarrhea issues, a few in her crate at night, not pretty. Dad is the first one up and all he does is apologize to Penny, he says he should have gotten up earlier. He picks up my sister and as we pass the bedroom he shouts to mom saying "I need your help." After we go outside mom and dad go about the cleaning up and making things nice and fresh. I think mom and dad take turns giving Penny a shower when these things happen.
Penny will be celebrating two months being with us next week, she sure has come a long way and we have gotten to be pretty good friends. And I will be celebrating five months with my new furever family next week.
Life is good and I'm having a lot of fun. Here's a photo of us helping dad fold laundry.
Getting bunches of attention and love. Even when I ate the Kong toy they weren't mad at me. Funny how they gave my poo so much attention hoping to see pieces of Kong, they were so overjoyed each time they found a piece. I think they have given up trying to find a toy I won't destroy.
Hope everyone in Little Brown Dog world is doing well. Will do another update when dad lets me use the Mac.
May 15, 2016
Well it's the Sunday after my big test day to get my Canine Good Citizen certification. Ugh, I blew it! Yup everything was going fine until they made me walk by this big furry overweight Collie a second time. I growled at him as I walked by cuz he was giving my momma an evil eye. I was just warning him that I was going to protect my momma if he got ugly. Well the evaluator didn't see things the way I did and she disqualified me. So no blue ribbon and no certification. I know my momma was disappointed, but she gave me hugs and kisses and told me how proud she was of me. I let her down, but her safety is way more important to me than a blue ribbon, just sayin.
Everything is going pretty good. My new sister Penny and I are getting along just fine. We've worked most of our issues out. I think we've both learned to respect each others space, food and toys. Boy, I'll tell you that even though she's older than me, she is one pretty good looking chick;) When we first met her she was quite scraggly looking. Her foster mom and dad did a really good job with special baths etc. Mom started using some essential oils on her when we got home and just a few months later her coat has grown totally back and it looks really healthy.
Poor Penny doesn't know how to fetch yet, I don't think she's really interested. She has more fun digging up the grass, that doesn't make mom or dad happy. Eventually she'll learn how to chase balls and outside toys, then again maybe not. Given the life she had before, mom and dad are just happy to she her happy, she loves cuddling.
Not sure what came over me a few weeks ago, out of the blue I started behaving badly. Chewed up a few things, ate a napkin and destroyed a few things mom left on her end table. Seems they, mom and dad, weren't too concerned about what I destroyed, they said they're more worried about my health. They check my poo each time hoping to see stuff pass:)
Although I know they were angry with me, they just talked to me and they started letting me sleep with them. I really didn't plan it that way, but hey, I'm not complaining. At bedtime I settle in at the foot of the bed and sleep all night.
My new life as Flynn is pretty darn good. Not sure I could've ended up with better parents. They love me a lot thats for sure.
Well it's almost supper time so I'm gonna close this out for now. Will post again soon.
I was found as a stray in South Carolina, I really don't remember the circumstances behind my being a stray. I don't think I was on the street long before I was picked up by the animal control folks. I ended up staying with the Anderson County PAWS people for a while and they called me Charlie.
Then my life changed. An organization called Operation Little Brown Dog came and got me, I think they saw something special in me. I went to my foster home in Prosperity, South Carolina. The folks that cared for me really treated me well and I got along with all their other dogs and children.
At some point, you know dogs have a very short attention/memory span, my pictures appeared on the internet. My fosters were trying to find a good home for me. Time went by, thought I would never find a home.
Then one day, my fosters started calling me Flynn, wasn't sure what that was all about, but hey they fed me and loved on me and kept me safe. So a name change wasn't a big deal.
One day, I think it was November 7, 2015, we went for a ride to Lexington, South Carolina to visit my fosters mom. They took me for a walk and when we got back to the house a strange car was there, along with two people I had never seen before. The man got on one knee and called me by the name of Flynn. Then the lady started petting me, she called me Flynn too. I wondered, I've never seen these people how do they know my name?
They and my fosters chatted for a while and then the guy put a new collar and leash on me, hmmm, embroidered on it was Flynn and a phone number I did not recognize. Strange, but hey I got a new collar. Then they led me to this strange car and opened the door. At first I wouldn't get in, my fosters said it was okay so I got in. Everybody said goodbye and we drove off. I remember after a while we stopped at a house in Aiken, South Carolina, the people there seemed nice and they had two Boykins. We didn't stay long. The strange guy and lady, Lee and Stan, put me back in the car, harnessed me up and we drove off.

We headed off again. Wasn't far down the road when we stopped, Stan said something about his heart pounding, I think it had something to do with that big fire truck.
We stopped for the night and in the morning we headed out to my new home in Little Rock. Another long ride. When we finally arrived Stan told Lee they had driven 1500 miles and spent 24 hours driving in four days. Not sure what all that meant, but it sounded serious.
My new home. The surroundings were not familiar to me, all the new smells and sights. We went into the house and I was introduced to the four cats, yup, four of them! I don't think they liked me much.
It was a bit strange being in such a quiet home, I mean like it's just Lee and Stan and cats. No children or other dogs to play with, I guess I'll have to adjust.
We all have some learning curves to get through; new voices and new commands. I hear them mention Simon every now and then, not sure who he was, but it sure sounds like they loved him and miss him. Every now and then they call me Simon, then they say, I mean Flynn. I think that's pretty special.
In just a few days I will have been with my new family for two weeks. I think things have gone well. They took me to meet my new doctor, he seems nice. I also had a visit with my groomer, she trimmed my paws and clipped my nails and was very gentle with me, Then one night just before bed Stan took me out to potty, we came and Stan told Lee I had worms. What??? I have worms?? What kinda worms, am I going to be okay??? Next morning Stan brought me back to see the Vet, I got a shot and some meds and I'm really doing fine.

This is Stan my new dad, he looks happy.
This is Lee my new mom, she let me get on her bed.
I think these are all the updates I have for now, I'll do another update in a week or so, so check back. Here is a link to my photo album My Photos & Videos

Really, do I look happy or what!!!!!
Wishing everyone a very happy Thanksgiving; I know I have a bunch to be thankful for. Mom and Dad send their wishes as well.11/28/15 Hello once again. Just wanted to pop in to provide a quick update on what's been going on. Today marks the three week anniversary of meeting my new mom and dad. Wow, has it been that long!
I think things are going pretty doggone good. Well, for me any way. Didn't have a really great day yesterday, not sure what happened to me. It was the usual morning routine. Dad got up, let me out of my night time crate and we did our morning do. Everything was going fine until I decided to chew on my nice orthopedic memory foam bed.
Then dad got really excited when the guy in the brown truck dropped a package off. I watched intently as dad opened it. Oh my gosh, it contained two new big extreme Kong Goodie bones. Dad told mom that these should do the trick. He stuffed the ends with some healthy treats and gave one to me. About an hour later mom picked up my bone and showed it to dad. I guess I wasn't supposed to chew through the rubber. Sheesh, a dog would think that someone out there would make a dog toy that I couldn't chew through. Oh and don't get me wrong, dad wasn't mad at me, he said something about emailing the Kong company, guess that's who made this inferior toy.
My mom and dad are really dedicated. It rained all day yesterday and is still raining today. Mom bundled up yesterday and took me for a walk. This morning dad got all bundled up and took me for my walk. I felt bad for him cuz his knee is still hurting him. He said something about gutting it out, ya know he was Marine and a Soldier for a long time, so he is pretty tough.
All in all life is great at my furever home. I miss all my playmates and my foster parents in South Carolina, but I guess I couldn't stay there forever. I really am happy here, just wish the cats would play with me;) I'll post again soon and as soon as dad takes more photos I'll get them added to my album on Flickr.
12/6/15 Guess what day today is? It's the day I came to my home in Arkansas one month ago. Pretty amazing. I think things are going pretty well. Dad really yelled at me today, he was carrying scissors or something and I jumped up on him. He really scolded me. Oh it wasn't bad, he didn't hit more or anything, he just yelled. He told me I can't do that cuz I could get hurt or I could cause someone else to get hurt. I felt really bad.
So far life is pretty good. I go out for a walk everyday, even in the rain. And most days mom or dad take me out back and I chase after the Giggle Ball.
I've been to see the Vet a few times, mom and dad are just making sure I am okay. I have an ear infection and I get ear drops everyday. My skin was itching pretty bad so they got some special pills that I get once a day, it's helping a lot.
I got a new house to sleep in and stay in when mom and dad have to go out. I really think they like me. I'm lucky because they are home most of the time. Mom signed us up for what she called "obedience" classes that start next month. I thought I was well behaved, I really think I am, guess I have a few issues that need to be addressed. I know they don't like me to jump up, but I'm a dog and I'm supposed to do that, aren't I! I admit I have issues with sit/stay/wait, they just don't understand that I only want to be with them. Today while they were outside putting up Christmas decorations I managed to jump over the gate in the living room. They weren't mad at all, but they did check me over to make sure I didn't hurt myself. Then I gave mom a hard time when she was going outside, I wanted to go, she wanted me to stay. Obedience school here we come!
I am very happy and they keep telling me this is my forever home and I never have to leave. I really like that.
Dad may have added a few more photos to the Flickr album, he and mom try to snap photos a lot. Well it's just about supper time so I better wrap this up for now. Thanks for reading my blog and keeping up with me. Will post again soon.
January 3, 2016
Well I have to say the holidays were pretty special for me. Oh we didn't have any big parties or anything like that, mom and dad said the holidays would be quiet this year. We didn't have a Christmas tree cuz the cats would think it was a play ground. So we decorated the outside, dad put up lights and mom made this really cool snowman out of pumpkins from Halloween.
I made a neat little card for mom, with dad's help of course, and mom really liked it. I got a few new toys for outside. I really love my ring toss toy. Mom and dad take me out a couple of times every day and let me run amok with it. They throw it, but I don't give it back. I put my nose through the center and run like the wind. One time it blocked my vision and I ran through a bush, that was fun!!!
I have made friends with Maggie the older black cat and Sawyer tolerates me. Gracie is not friendly at all, every time I walk up to her to try and play she swats at me. Phoebe is okay, she just doesn't like me pushing her with my nose or pawing at her. She actually tried to bite once, good thing I've got some Aussie in me, I'm pretty quick and she missed.
I always go in dad's computer room when he is there. He has a little refrigerator with magnets of places mom and dad have been. They must have traveled a lot before they got me. I heard mom talking with a friend the other day, she was telling someone to have a good time on their cruise and that she was sorry she had to cancel. She said she just didn't feel it fair to me to get me and then leave me with a babysitter. I think my new parents are pretty cool. They treat me really good and I really like it here. They let me roam the house and I haven't really done anything bad yet. Well kinda, dad left a sandwich on the counter yesterday and left the kitchen for a minute. I jumped up and took the top slice of bread, I wasn't quick enough though, dad caught me and made me spit it out. I'd say counter surfing is the only bad habit they don't like.
Mom and I are starting obedience school next week. I'm not sure what thats all about, but I've never been to school before so it should be fun, I think.
So for me 2015 was good. I had a great foster home for several months and then I got adopted, yay for me. I really like my new home. In a way its cool being the only dog child, I gets lots of loving and cuddling. It would be nice to have a playmate, but then I'd have to share the attention I get, so I'm cool with it.
I think dad updated/added some photos to the above link, he is always taking pictures and videos. I'll close for now and will do another blog entry in a couple of weeks. Until then I wish everyone a happy happy New Year and hope all my fostered and sheltered friends get as lucky as me and get adopted.
February 2016: Finally poppa let me have some keyboard time. It's almost four months since I joined my new furever family. Things were going super great. I've been going to obedience training and I'm doing great, I graduate next week. The final day of class will also have a round robin competition. The teachers will test us on all the stuff we learned. The one that does the best will receive a ribbon. I've worked really hard and mom promised to work with me this week so we can beat the competition. I really think I am doing the best out of all the dogs. There are twelve others so my work is cut out for me. I've already been enrolled in the next level of training which is the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) class. Mom says I need this if I really want to be a therapy dog. I'm really excited cuz the classes are fun and it makes mom and dad happy and proud when I mind well.
So I said earlier things "were" going super great. A few weeks ago we all got in the car and drove all the way to Birmingham, I was a little worried because I remember making this drive when they first came and got me. Mom and dad promised they weren't giving me back, they said something about going to get a sister. A sister, you mean I'm not going to be the only dog child anymore? Oh man!
So yup, we came home with an older sister. I guess she didn't have the best life and someone gave her away and she really needed a new loving home. Hey I can surely say this is a great home to be chosen for. It's only been a little over two weeks since Penny has joined the family. I guess she's okay. We've had a few fights that mom and dad had to get in the middle of, but nothing really bad. Hey isn't that what sisters and brothers do!
My life hasn't changed much. Sister uses my crate at night and I still sleep on the sofa. Sister is really really a good dog, not as good as me, but good. She's had a few accidents in the house only because she never lived in a house and doesn't realize we have to do our business outside. She's gotten a lot better and we enjoy running around outside together.
So all is good and I am enjoying the high life. Lots of love and cuddles and tea parties. Aah, I guess I should explain tea parties. Usually about three times a day mom and dad give us a tea party. We get a couple of dog cookies. Never know what we'll get, flavors could be Granola, Peanut Butter & Molasses, Natural Cheese, Grilled Chicken or Bacon & Cheese, needless to say we love them all. When we hear "it's tea party time" we get all excited, sit, wait and share politely. Bet there aren't a lot of moms and dads that give their dog family tea parties, we are lucky, lucky, lucky!
I think I've covered all the latest news so I'll get this published so everyone can read how well I am doing.
March 28, 2016
Figured I should bring everyone up to date with whats going on. I'm enrolled in my new Canine Good Citizen class and have attended my first session. My classes are on Tuesday evening for an hour. When I was introduced to all my classmates I couldn't help but wonder, really all you guys passed beginner obedience class! Some of them are rude and very misbehaved, unlike me of course that just happens to be an angel.
Mom makes me do homework a few times a week to help me hone my skills. I think it's gonna be fun and I really am going to try hard to win some first place medals.
My new sister, Penny, is doing well. I had to teach her what to do with an antler, she still hasn't figured out the ball or the fetch things yet. She enjoys running outside and chasing the birds out of the big bush we have out back. Hey if that makes her happy so be it.
It amazes me how patient mom and dad are. Mom is more patient than dad;) Dad raises his voice, but never hits us. I know deep down he loves us cuz he takes such good care of us. Poor Penny has had a few diarrhea issues, a few in her crate at night, not pretty. Dad is the first one up and all he does is apologize to Penny, he says he should have gotten up earlier. He picks up my sister and as we pass the bedroom he shouts to mom saying "I need your help." After we go outside mom and dad go about the cleaning up and making things nice and fresh. I think mom and dad take turns giving Penny a shower when these things happen.
Penny will be celebrating two months being with us next week, she sure has come a long way and we have gotten to be pretty good friends. And I will be celebrating five months with my new furever family next week.
Life is good and I'm having a lot of fun. Here's a photo of us helping dad fold laundry.
Getting bunches of attention and love. Even when I ate the Kong toy they weren't mad at me. Funny how they gave my poo so much attention hoping to see pieces of Kong, they were so overjoyed each time they found a piece. I think they have given up trying to find a toy I won't destroy.
Hope everyone in Little Brown Dog world is doing well. Will do another update when dad lets me use the Mac.
May 15, 2016
Well it's the Sunday after my big test day to get my Canine Good Citizen certification. Ugh, I blew it! Yup everything was going fine until they made me walk by this big furry overweight Collie a second time. I growled at him as I walked by cuz he was giving my momma an evil eye. I was just warning him that I was going to protect my momma if he got ugly. Well the evaluator didn't see things the way I did and she disqualified me. So no blue ribbon and no certification. I know my momma was disappointed, but she gave me hugs and kisses and told me how proud she was of me. I let her down, but her safety is way more important to me than a blue ribbon, just sayin.
Everything is going pretty good. My new sister Penny and I are getting along just fine. We've worked most of our issues out. I think we've both learned to respect each others space, food and toys. Boy, I'll tell you that even though she's older than me, she is one pretty good looking chick;) When we first met her she was quite scraggly looking. Her foster mom and dad did a really good job with special baths etc. Mom started using some essential oils on her when we got home and just a few months later her coat has grown totally back and it looks really healthy.
Poor Penny doesn't know how to fetch yet, I don't think she's really interested. She has more fun digging up the grass, that doesn't make mom or dad happy. Eventually she'll learn how to chase balls and outside toys, then again maybe not. Given the life she had before, mom and dad are just happy to she her happy, she loves cuddling.
Not sure what came over me a few weeks ago, out of the blue I started behaving badly. Chewed up a few things, ate a napkin and destroyed a few things mom left on her end table. Seems they, mom and dad, weren't too concerned about what I destroyed, they said they're more worried about my health. They check my poo each time hoping to see stuff pass:)
Although I know they were angry with me, they just talked to me and they started letting me sleep with them. I really didn't plan it that way, but hey, I'm not complaining. At bedtime I settle in at the foot of the bed and sleep all night.
My new life as Flynn is pretty darn good. Not sure I could've ended up with better parents. They love me a lot thats for sure.
Well it's almost supper time so I'm gonna close this out for now. Will post again soon.
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